Paul has been volunteering with Hand Brake Turn for nine months. He came to Australia a year ago as a refugee from Iran, after spending four years in Indonesia. Paul hopes to join the Victorian Police Force in the future to make a positive impact on wellbeing and safety in his community.
Paul wanted to get some practical work experience and it was suggested that he consider doing some local volunteer work. Paul decided to volunteer with Hand Brake Turn to improve his communication skills and to learn how to work with and relate to young people.
“You see the benefit that the kids get by coming here.
It helps them to get experience and prepare them for work.”
Paul can see the positive outcomes and the benefits for the students that take part in the Hand Brake Turn program.
Paul said “You can see how the students develop as they go through the program. They learn skills not only around car mechanics, but also business skills and team work skills. They learn how to be punctual and reliable, they learn more respect for each other and obedience, along with better communication skills and confidence.”
The benefits for volunteering for Paul are seeing himself as a mentor for the students and being able to influence them and guide them. He also feels that he has made some good friends through the program.
Paul acknowledges the experience he has gained through volunteering has not only increased his knowledge about cars and the automotive industry but it has also helped improve his communication, confidence and English skills.