Over the labour day long weekend in Melbourne, God’s Squad Christian Motorcycle Club (GSCMC) joined together to celebrate 40 years of dedicated service of one of their own. The faithfulness of Andrew ‘Mav’ Blankley was honoured through tributes from around the globe, including from GSCMC International President Sean Stillman. With representatives from 6 chapters present and watching on, Andrew received his 40-year service patch to commemorate his dedication.
As part of the celebration, Concern Australia CEO Michelle Crawford was invited to share a few words reflecting on Andrew’s efforts over 16 years as a Chaplain through Concern Australia at the Malmsbury Youth Justice Centre. Michelle shared:
“I recall Andrew’s gracious welcome and wise words when I first visited him at Malmsbury. Andrew has faithfully provided support for young men doing it tough, and has been a constant presence for staff behind the walls at Malmsbury. During this time, he has singlehandedly coordinated an Annual Bike Show – a highlight for many young men, GSCMC members, and Concern Australia staff and volunteers”.
GSCMC members are known for their devotion to those on the fringes of society, and today exists through 20 Chapters located in 17 countries around the globe. As a Chaplain, Andrew embodied this commitment through being a regular presence and leading numerous Christmas Day services for up to 30 young men, and has often been the only visitor for many during the holiday season.
While government funding for the Chaplaincy program concluded at the end of 2021, the impact of Andrew’s dedication, passion, compassion, and investment into the lives of many young men will live on for years.
Concern Australia’s work continues to build on the legacy countless GSCMC members, and we thank Andrew for his heart for others as shown through his role as a Chaplain.
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