Jobs Victoria Advocates aim to assist Victorians to prepare for and secure employment through the provision of valuable information, referral and connection to available resources and supports.
Job Advocates offer initial one-on-one support to individuals who need help finding work or who are struggling with the impact of unemployment or underemployment to refer them to the information, agency, guidance and additional support they need. They will support jobseekers in their communities.
Our Job Advocates will help jobseekers navigate the wide range of employment and education services that are available in their local area, and ensure each person is referred to the right service that caters to their needs.
Job Advocates will link jobseekers with the following:
- Career counselling
- Education and Training
- Mentoring Programs
- Relevant social and welfare supports as needed
Advocates will connect with people in libraries, community centres, public housing foyers, shopping centres, other community services and may also go to people’s homes in some locations to ensure everyone is aware of support available.
“Jobs Advocates understand how it feels to be lost in a maze of information and confused about the supports that are available. We can link you to services that match your needs and situation.” –
Concern Australia provides the Jobs Victoria Advocates program to people living in and/or engaging in services in the Metro East Southern region. As an organisation who’s mission is to work with young people and children, creating opportunities for them to live fulfilling and meaningful lives, we are pleased to play an active role in supporting a response that addresses the needs those hit hardest by the pandemic and impact of the COVID lockdowns. Through our work, we know first hand the value of education and employment. We are excited about what this opportunity holds for young people and their parents, and look forward to connecting them to agencies and employers locally.
Participants must have the right to work in Australia
For more information and to make a referral, please contact our team at jobsadv@concernaustralia.org.au
This program is support by the Victorian Government’s $619.4 million Jobs Victoria initiative. Jobs Victoria helps people looking for work to access the support, information and advice they need to find a job that’s right for them. We need to include this copy somewhere on the page.
To express interest in a one-on-one appointment with one of our Job Advocates, please complete the form below. This service is part of the Jobs Victoria Advocates program funded by the Victorian Government. The service is free and at no cost to participants.

Concern Australia is pleased to be partnering with the Victorian Government to offer the Jobs Victoria, Jobs Advocate program.