The Concern Australia ‘fiXit’ social enterprise provides young people who have graduated from our Hand Brake Turn program with the opportunity to build on their new skills, gain more confidence, and get paid while they become job ready.

As part of fiXit, young people work alongside the fiXit Coordinator to fix up donated cars that are then sold for a profit to reinvest back into the business to fund short-term employment contracts. Vehicles donated are used to train the young people who receive ongoing skill development through repairing, servicing and assessing cars. Through the work of fiXit, we strive to ‘reset’ the negative trajectory of social deprivation, unemployment, and educational disengagement that young people face in areas of locational disadvantage.
In addition to its work with at-risk young people, the fiXit Social Enterprise is committed to supporting members of the wider community that are experiencing disadvantage, including unemployment, job insecurity, or are trying to recover from periods of hardship. As part of fiXit’s social impact initiatives, each year, two donated vehicles are restored and then gifted to members of the public that are experiencing hardship.
Our current fundraising goal is to reach $7,500 , of which can be utilised to support the costs associated with gifting these vehicles to the community. This includes registration costs, road worthy certificates, and any other related fiXit expenses.
To support the fiXit Social Enterprise in its endeavour to positively impact the community through gifting vehicles to disadvantaged individuals and families, tax-deductible donations can be made through the link below by selecting ‘fiXit Social Enterprise’ as your intended donation area.