Implementing the Child Safe Standards – Concern Australia completes our biannual review

Child Safe Review

At Concern Australia the welfare of children and young people will always be our first priority.

In fulfilment of our obligations under Child Safe Standard 10: Implementation of the Child Safe Standards is regularly reviewed and improved, we have conducted a biannual review of our child safety systems.

During the years 2023-2024 Concern Australia has:

  • reviewed and updated its Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy and Child Safe Reporting Policy
  • provided Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Training for all staff
  • reviewed and updated the Hand Brake Turn Learner Handbook
  • created a Youth Advisory Group for the Inside Out program
  • reviewed and updated its Code of Conduct
  • reviewed and updated its Client Participation Policy

As part of its commitment to continuous improvement Concern Australia has identified the following opportunities for improvement:

  • develop a guide to first employment for trainees in the fiXit social enterprise
  • update risk workshop process with each program
  • create easy language versions of program Handbooks for young people
  • provide further staff training on responding to disclosures

Concern Australia remains compliant with all eleven Child Safe Standards.

Child Safety Commitment

Concern Australia is committed to providing child safe and protected environments in all its activities and programs and has a zero-tolerance approach to child abuse or exploitation. Contact and working with children is a critical responsibility. Children have the right to be safe and protected.

Concern Australia adheres to the ten principles outlined in the Victorian Statement of Recognition Act 2023, embedding culturally safe processes and service delivery for Aboriginal children and families.

Concern Australia conducts biannual reviews of our Child Safe practices in fulfilment of Standard 10 of the Child Safe Standards, Implementation of the Child Safe Standards is regularly reviewed and improved. We welcome any feedback or suggestions from our clients, their families and the broader community.