The Values for Life Program delivers educational seminars that provide a space to engender pro-social values, empathy, and resilience.
We do this through delivering dynamic workshops and seminars in primary and secondary schools, youth organisations, faith and community settings throughout Australia.
Seminars are flexible to the specific needs of the school and the cohort. Values for Life addresses contemporary and widespread issues of cyber bullying and other online activity that impacts young people’s development and confidence. We cover areas including identity, self-worth, the importance of community, leadership and encourage a lifestyle that promotes wellbeing.
Through Values for Life Seminars students are given the opportunity to build a framework of values that leads to greater resilience which then enables them to better cope with the challenges of childhood and adolescence in positive and constructive ways. Values for Life exists to inspire students to develop values that benefit them and their communities, to make wise choices and fulfil their potential.
Key Impact Areas:
- Education and awareness.
- Wellbeing and positive choices.
- Resilience, leadership, and identity.
For more resources and information on incursion topics or to book a seminar, please contact us via email at v4lss@concernaustralia.org.au
We developed a partnership with the Ardoch Youth Foundation and delivered 12 wellbeing workshops to 914 students in 10 of Ardoch’s partner schools over four days. The schools we delivered to spread across Melbourne in Sunshine, Rockbank, Seaford, Frankston, Dandenong and Geelong. Our specialised workshops focused on helping their students learn and think about topics on resilience, cyber-safety, anti-bullying, leadership, and friendships.
We asked teachers to provide feedback on the information we provided and how well we presented, relevance of multimedia, activities played, and stories shared. The feedback was an overwhelming sense of gratitude with seminars receiving a 99.4% approving rating across all the schools. Quotes from school teachers were that we had: ‘great energy,’ ‘were extremely engaging,’ ‘humorous,’ ‘child-focused,’ ‘relevant,’ ‘pitched at an appropriate level,’ ‘content was perfect and fit into current curriculum and wellbeing programs.’
In a recent visit to Nepean School, we delivered two workshops to 25 primary and secondary students teaching two workshops on cyber-bullying and resilience. Several students gave positive feedback showing they had understood and benefited from the workshop. Michelene Keyte, the school’s Wellbeing Officer exclaimed, “Students were all so engaged for the whole 60 minutes!!! The YouTube clips from the program really grabbed the boys attention – I am busy looking them up now!”
We are encouraged by such positive responses and for the opportunity to help young people in school to overcome or cope with challenges and equip them with resilience and confidence.